• ALTA Surveys (American Land Title Association)
  • Architectural Surveys
  • Boundary Surveying and Mapping
  • Residential (“lot surveys”)
    • Residential development
  • CAD Drafting
  • Certificates of Compliance
  • Commercial Site Surveys
  • Construction Staking
  • Corner Records
  • Earthwork Quantities
  • Elevation Certificates
  • Environmental Surveys
  • Expert Witness
  • Grading and Drainage
  • Land Planning Services
  • Lot Line Adjustments
  • Lot Mergers
  • Monitoring Well Surveys
  • Municipal Surveying
    • Monument preservation
    • Centerline ties
  • Mapping
  • Pad Certifications
  • UAV Survey Mapping
  • Records of Survey
  • Shoring and pile monitoring
  • Stock pile Quantities
  • Subdivisions
    • Parcel Maps
    • Tract Maps
    • Condominiums
  • SUSMP Documents
  • Topographic Surveys
Equipment and Procedures

Our surveying staff utilizes the latest technology in surveying and measuring equipment such as robotic total station which provides high speed, accuracy and precision in measurement. It improves efficiency by moving the power of the observer from the instrument to the range pole. To complement this we also employ RTN GPS which further increases efficiency and productivity in the field. To manage all of the information, Wright Mapping, Inc. relies on  hand held data collector/computer which is powerful enough to calculate, process and adjust data in the field and keep a project moving forward. We are capable of tailoring our base data sheets to integrate with any design software and standards that our clients use.

Because our company’s expertise ranges across multiple disciplines, each department benefits from the knowledge and oversight of the other. Working directly with the firm’s civil, traffic, and structural engineering departments ensures accurate and complete field information is presented prior to design, and that design is then translated to construction layout. Any as-built or field changes are fully documented and detailed records are kept so that these changes can then be incorporated into the design. Precise field records ensure that any department can review the work performed in the field and avoid costly mistakes.

Staff Experience

We have integrated our highly skilled professional surveying teams with the best technology available. This combination of operational excellence with state-of-the-art equipment assures each Client will receive the correct survey with the highest degree of accuracy.
Our staff’s experience across all survey techniques and applications ensures each survey is completed according to quality standards.
The equipment is an equal part of the team in providing field accuracy. We utilize the latest in GPS technologies and advanced robotic, reflectorless total stations capable of detailed three dimensional
scanning to build surveys that are entirely representative of the site conditions.

• ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
• Architectural/Engineering Design/Topographic/Aerial Surveys
• Right-Of-Way Engineering: Mapping And Legal Descriptions & Interpretation
• Boundary Establishment Surveys both per Record Data and per Field Survey
• Full Construction Staking Services
• Expert Witness Services: Boundary Establishment, ALTA Surveys, Legal Descriptions, Title Issues
• Monitoring Surveys, Earthwork, and Stockpile Calculations,
• Preparation of Subdivision Maps, Record of Surveys, Exhibit Maps, and other Subdivision Map Act elements
• Peer Review of Professional Land Surveying Services by others
• Title Report analysis and coordination with Title Companies and the legal community